ASPEC Phase 1 – 10 Point Plan

The member companies forming the association would be committing to opening their businesses in phased, safe, careful and cautious way, with the emphasis being uppermost on Health and Safety.

Phase 1: 10 Point Plan

1. The A.S.P.E.C Membership would be committing to reopening their businesses from week commencing Monday June 1st 2020.

2. Any production wishing to undertake a project should contact their normal supplier.

3. Individuals not employed by an A.S.P.E.C member company would be excluded from company’s place of work, until further notice. This would apply to all crew, including camera, grip and lighting crew wishing to undertake equipment testing. Equipment testing would need to be arranged by the Production off-site but obviously, with the continuing support of the facilities house, while ensuring health & safety would not be compromised.

4. Until further notice, crews’ wholly owned equipment, would not be allowed into the workplace. i.e. crew could provide their owned items of equipment but these items would need to be supplied at the production’s risk and would need to be added to the equipment package at the point of delivery by the supply company or collection by the production. Items of crews owned equipment would not be allowed into any A.S.P.E.C. member company’s workplace and would not be accepted, if brought back with the main equipment package but would be placed in a holding area, at the owners own risk. Indeed, member companies transport would be told, not to except any items of equipment, not owned by the company.

5. Due to the additional costs related to the purchase of sanitising materials, extended cleaning times, the provision of personal protection equipment. All A.S.P.E.C member companies have agreed, that there would be a sanitising/disinfecting charge levied. Additional items of equipment added to the original package, would be charged at the facility house’s discretion. However, larger packages of Equipment such as 2nd Units, would attract this surcharge.

6. A.S.P.E.C member companies agree to continue to share information on sanitising/disinfecting amongst the membership and the industry at large.

7. To this end A.S.P.E.C member companies agreed to publish their individual guidelines, policies and risk assessments on their websites, as soon as they are finalised and in line with the current government directives.

8. Should a 2nd wave unfortunately materialise and a production needed to instigate a hiatus, any charges would be at the discretion of the facilities house or studio. However, it would be hoped, that equipment could be returned to the rental houses and either taped-up or retuned to the shelf.

9. The A.S.P.E.C member companies felt that once phase one had been successfully negotiated, they would be in a position, to welcome crews back into their facilities, in order to carry out their equipment tests. This will be reviewed weekly and will be communicated without delay.

10. However, any personally owned crew equipment, would need to be left on site once sanitised/disinfected. If taken home at the end of the working day, the crew member would have the option of paying the facilities house, to have it re-sanitised/disinfected on return.

A copy of the Pinewood MBS Lighting Operational Protocols (PDF) is available for download here


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T: +44 (0) 1753 656 262
