Careful planning has gone into ensuring the safety of our employees and customers and at Pinewood MBS Lighting we are operating in full compliance with all available guidelines relating to the COVID-19 pandemic.

We have also introduced our own industry specific, detailed set of Operational Protocols to ensure the safety and well being of all our employees and customers.

Keep Safe, Stay Alert. We’re ready when you need us.

A copy of our Operational Protocols (PDF) is available for download here



Issue 1.2 – June 2020

As we anticipate fully resuming company operations, the following Operating Protocols offer guidance concluded through the COVID-19 risk assessment carried out by Pinewood MBS Lighting. The MBS Group has established controls and will enforce these in an effort to protect our staff, clients, and wider community from the further spread of the COVID-19 virus.

We established this protocol with regard to the safety and wellbeing of MBS employees. However, these practices are mindful of our clients by prescribing cautious handling procedures of company rental and sales products. Additionally, these standards extend to new delivery and receipt practices, and social distancing with our clients and crew, to protect the safety of all.

The applications herein are company-prescribed and mandated as policy by the MBS Group. This plan will be distributed to UK MBS Group employees, who will acknowledge their receipt and their full understanding of these policies by signing, and returning the document to MBS Human Resources. Additionally, before requiring employees to report to their respective operations, MBS is conducting numerous online video sessions and conference calls to familiarize all employees with these new policies.

Although the risk of severe illness may be different for everyone, anyone can get and spread COVID-19. Everyone has a role to play in slowing the spread and protecting themselves, their family, and their community.

In addition to these operational protocols, we have introduced a Risk Assessment which identifies the Safe System of Work to be adopted with regard to all activities under the control of the business. This will include identifying: the nature/location of potential hazard; persons at risk; significant aspects of the risk; control measures in place to reduce the risk.

MBS is committed to ensuring the safety and wellbeing of its staff and customers at all times. For further information or if you require any additional information relating to these Operating Protocols, please contact

We are constantly monitoring the situation with regard to the COVID-19 pandemic and are adapting our protocols accordingly.

Mental health and wellbeing
We understand that employees mental health and wellbeing is of paramount importance and as such, we want to ensure we are doing everything we can to provide support.

24/7 support is readily available through several different channels to suit employee preference and comfort.

Pinewood MBS Lighting is a member of the MBS Group of companies.

A copy of these Operational Protocols (PDF) is available for download here


1.0 Risk Assessment

As per UK Government guidance, and following our standard Health and Safety protocols, MBS has carried out a specific COVID-19 risk assessment covering Warehouse, Office and Transport operations. We have outlined the hierarchy of control measures needed to protect staff, customers and the wider community. All staff are taken through the risk assessment and relevant controls to their activity.

The following guidance explains the control measures identified in the risk assessment.

Social distancing
The primary control measure we have identified is to separate all MBS employees and equipment from the virus through physical and time separation. All premises will be zoned and employees allocated specific work zones in which to operate and keep sanitized.

Employee welfare checks are an important part of reducing the likely hood of employees bringing the virus with them into our premises. While asymptomatic virus carriers could still unknowingly bring the virus to work with them, we believe the daily welfare checks are good opportunities to check out employees health and reinforce social distancing and hygiene protocols. Please see below for further details

  • Office staff continuing to work from home.
  • Staggered shift patterns and access to rest and toilet facilities.
  • Enhanced hygiene and cleaning regimes.
  • Enhanced access to handwashing facilities and hand sanitizer.Comprehensive provision of PPE for use where social distancing and prolonged contact controls are not practicable.


MBS conducts comprehensive online video sessions and conference calls, covering the below subjects, and logs attendance records to ensure that all company employees are reached and that they are briefed for these practices before reporting to their respective operations.

The hierarchy of controls dictate that the first control measure to be used is the separation of individuals from the hazard (virus) and as such we will continue to encourage staff to work from home where practicable, in order to avoid contact with others. That said we actively encourage management interaction with all remote working staff on a regular basis, with increased focused on providing mental health support for any staff experiencing difficulties during this time.

Practicing Physical Distancing
MBS will enforce physical distancing in the workplace and follow government guidance on layout and segregations of workplaces where practicable.

Physical Distancing: Defined
Social distancing, also called “physical distancing,” means keeping space between yourself and other people outside of your home.

To practice social or physical distancing:

  • Stay at least 2 metres (about 2 arms’ length) from other people.
  • Do not gather in groups.
  • Stay out of crowded places and avoid mass gatherings.
  • In addition to everyday steps to prevent COVID-19, keeping space between you and others is one of the best tools we have to avoid being exposed to this virus and slowing its spread locally and across the country and world.

COVID-19 spreads mainly among people who are in close contact (within about 2 metres) for a prolonged period. Spread happens when an infected person coughs, sneezes, or talks, and droplets from their mouth or nose are launched into the air and land in the mouths or noses of people nearby. The droplets can also be inhaled into the lungs.

Studies indicate that people who are infected but do not have symptoms are also likely to play a role in the spread of COVID-19.

All MBS staff are required to work in designated zones and practice physical distancing at all times. Facilities are split into Prep departments and the dispatch, returns and workshop areas, so staff do not need to cross the boundaries into to others workzones with out prior agreement.

Signage and floor markings are present.

All workstations are spaced over 2 metres apart and not facing towards each other.

It may be possible that a person can get COVID-19 by touching a surface or object that has the virus on it and then touching their own mouth, nose, or eyes. However, this is not thought to be the main way the virus spreads. COVID-19 can live for hours or days on a surface, depending on factors such as sun light and humidity. Social distancing helps limit contact with infected people and contaminated surfaces.

2.0 Services Operating Protocols

All MBS Services offices, warehouses and depots will adhere to the following protocols. All of these operating locations whether located in the UK, US, Canada or elsewhere will follow this consistent set of protocols.

Local management is authorized to build on these protocols to adapt specific, local operating practices but should avoid making changes to these foundational protocols that compromise the health and safety of customers, employees and vendors. Any proposed local modifications must be approved by MBS Services’ Chief Operations Officer or designated VP.

Workplace Entry
It is critical that efficient and effective control of access to each MBS Services facility is controlled and tracked on a daily basis. This section documents additional/enhanced procedures and conditions that are in addition to existing pre-COVID-19 security and access procedures.


All MBS Services operations have established Wellness Checkpoints that will operate during normal business hours and if necessary, during extended and weekends. Access into the MBS Services building will only occur via these checkpoints. No one will be allowed to enter the building through dock doors or the front entrance without undergoing the Wellness Checkpoint procedure.

Depending on the size of the facility, there are one or more Checkpoints to manage access into the four-walls of the facility after customers, employees and vendors to ensure expedient access AND maintain physical distancing of a radius of 6 feet (2 metres) between individuals. Facilities with an existing reception area will use it as a checkpoint. Additional, temporary checkpoints are setup during the peak start of shift hours, typically at the outside front of the loading dock doors. 


Wellness Checkpoint Equipment:

  • Movable tables and chairs, and desk. If necessary, temporary pop-up tents can be used for shade. These tables and chairs will be moved/stored after initial work check-in.
  • The Wellness Checkpoints will have clearly marked separation distances for persons awaiting to be processed through the checkpoint.

Checkpoints will have a dedicated pack of items as follows:

  • 1 hand-held digital thermometer.
  • Multiple paper copies of the Wellness Declaration (see Exhibit A below).
  • A supply of pens for completing the Wellness Declaration.
  • A container of disinfectant wipes.
  • A supply of coloured wristbands that must be worn at all times, while on the premises, to certify that the individual has been processed through the Wellness Checkpoint and is thus authorized to be inside the facility. These wristbands allow individuals in/out access to the facility during working hours only from the time of check-in until closing time.

NOTE: Wristband colours are changed on a daily basis as specified by each location’s Operations Manager.

Exhibit A – Wellness Declaration


In addition, each Wellness Checkpoint will have pre-packaged paper bags containing an individual, one day supply of MBS approved PPE that will be available to employees, customers and vendors to use while present in the facility. (See Materials Table.) These items will be provided to all persons to use and keep.

These pre-packaged PPE supply bags will be stored in large, movable enclosed containers that will be positioned next to the Wellness Checkpoints and then stored and locked when not in use.


Conditions and Protocol
All MBS Services locations will continue to practice safe social distancing, inside and outside buildings, in the parking lot, in common areas. In specific areas where people may congregate, queue, or experience pedestrian chokepoints, the ground is marked off to guide the required social distances and/or signs are clearly visible to remind people to maintain the necessary separation and to wear their PPE ahead of time if they anticipate social distances of 2 metres cannot be maintained.

All employees are trained and expected to wear PPE in all circumstances where the required social distances cannot be maintained.

All employees must store company-issued PPE in designated containers. Visitors and employees must dispose of PPE in clearly labelled “hazardous materials” containers throughout the facility.

In addition, more frequent deep cleaning policies/procedures and schedules, using approved cleaners, will be consistently applied across all MBS Services locations.

These include 2 x per day cleaning by cleaning teams of all commonly touched items (door handles, elevator buttons, taps, etc.). In addition, a thorough cleaning of offices, bathrooms, workspaces.

The following provides details on distancing and cleaning practices/requirements at MBS Services locations.

All employees, visitors, and crew working in an MBS Services office are encouraged to use company approved disposable disinfectant wipes to wipe down all surfaces, phones, keyboards, desks/tables, whiteboard markers, and computer monitors before work starts and on regular intervals, during breaks and lunch.

Workers with offices with closing doors should close their doors as much as possible. Visitors to any office with a closed door should maintain social distances when conversing inside an office.

Workers with office cubicles whose walls are 40-inches or higher, so minimize interactions over the cubicle walls and wear their masks and safety glasses when leaving/returning to their cubicles. Workers are also made aware to minimize contact with cloth cubicle walls and use company-provided hand sanitizer frequently.

Offices with walls lower than 40-inches will be have workers seated in a “chequerboard” or “back-to-back” pattern to reduce direct exposure while management determines alternate working/seating arrangements or implements taller office partitions.

Shared office equipment (copiers, printers, scanners, fax machines) have approved disinfectant wipes next to each machine. Signs are posted on the devices to “Wipe the control panel BEFORE use”. 

Printed documents must be picked up immediately by the person printing it. Disposable gloves and hand sanitizer are available next to the shared printers/copiers for use. 

Open/Bullpen Workspaces
All employees, visitors, and crew working in an MBS Services office are encouraged to use company furnished -approved disposable disinfectant wipes to wipe down all surfaces, phones, keyboards, desks/tables, whiteboard markers, and computer monitors before work starts and on regular intervals, during breaks and lunch.

Conference Rooms
Use of conference rooms are discouraged at this time if the number of participants prevent compliance to the 2 metre  social distancing radius. Instead the use of individual video-conferencing via company-approved, secure applications is preferred.

Conference room seating will be reduced to allow social distancing, if the conference room absolutely must be used.

All touched surfaces such as speakerphones, remote controls, HDMI connectors, etc. must be disinfected as part of the night time cleaning. Conference users must use the company-provided disinfectant wipes to wipe down devices at the beginning and end of each session.

In general, because of the high-level of foot and rolling stock traffic in a semi-enclosed location, all employees, customers, working inside and outside the warehouse MUST wear PPE wherever 2 metre distancing is not possible. Employees will wear their full set of company-issued masks and gloves.

NOTE: In job functions where the wearing of gloves impedes the dexterity and sensitivity (e.g. electronics component repair) surgical gloves or finger cots is used along with more frequent use of hand sanitizer/soap handwash.

Visitors must wear the company-provided surgical masks. Visitors may also request safety glasses and disposable gloves after passing the Wellness Check-in process and are approved to enter the building.

All warehouse handheld equipment and touchscreen equipment must be wiped at beginning of shift, during breaks at the minimum.

Consumables Store Spaces
Stores follow recommended practices for retail businesses. Customer entry will be restricted. entrances must be cordoned off, and Consumables stores staff must wear company-issued PPE when discussing/receiving orders and/or items to be retrieved from shelves or storage areas. Customers must wait at the cordon and not enter the store.

Loading Docks

  • All MBS Services personnel working in the loading dock must rigorously adhere to and be monitored in the use of PPE especially since the majority of work is team-based. Activities such as loading/unloading, check-in, testing, moving, storing, palletizing equipment counts in often congested/high traffic staging areas necessitates use of the full set of company-issued PPE.
  • Customers and production crews will use the company-issued PPE provided at Wellness Checkpoint. Customers and production crews will be reminded to wear the PPE to protect themselves and to comply with their production companies protocols.
  • Non-MBS Services transportation providers will be required to furnish their own PPE. At the minimum they must wear a face covering and minimize their time inside the building. If they do not have surgical mask, MBS Services’ warehouse staff will provide one to them.

Employees using individual bathrooms (single toilet), do not need to wear the company-issued FFP2 face masks inside the bathroom. Employees using community, multi-toilet bathrooms must wear the company issued face masks inside the bathroom. Restrooms are disinfected 2x or more per day based on facility management decision with approved cleaners.

Breakrooms Practices
Breakrooms/lunchrooms are not to be used in the same manner as before. Individuals are reminded not to loiter in the breakrooms/lunchrooms. Break and mealtimes are staggered to prevent congestion in sitting areas. If comfortable, encourage personnel to each inside their personal vehicles.

  • Individuals’ lunches and beverages may NOT be stored in the refrigerator; instead, personal coolers stored at their work areas is acceptable. Meals and snacks should be eaten away from high traffic areas with consideration of social distancing requirements.
  • All refrigerators will only be used to chill individual sealed beverages. Personal food items even in plastic sealed containers cannot be stored in the refrigerator.
  • Increase cleaning of microwaves with disinfectant.
  • Automated coffee, hot water dispensers will continue to be available but social distancing rules are practiced/enforced. Disinfectant wipes are located next to dispensers.
  • Pantry items can only contain individually sealed, single serving snack foods. Bulk containers are not permitted.
  • Employees are encouraged to bring their own reusable mugs and water containers and carefully store them in their workspaces instead of using dispensed paper cups and random mugs stored in the kitchen.

Common Areas

Outdoor Common Areas
Social distancing requirements must be adhered to in common areas. Posted signs reminding users of common areas remind everyone of this requirement.

Parking Lot
Social distancing requirements must be adhered to in parking lots. Posted signs reminding users of common areas remind everyone of this requirement

Company owned vehicles
See Transportation Department COVID-19 Policies.

Split Shifts and Work-Sharing

In some instances, where the physical footprint of the location is smaller and the number of employees and visitors is so dense that social distancing cannot be readily achieved, MBS Services is instituting “de-densification” practices such as split-shifts, work-sharing and remote/work-from-home.

Use of these “de-densification” practices are evaluated on a case-by-case, department-by-department basis. Key considerations include the type of work, the available workspace, the effectiveness and efficiency of the potential approach, the impact on customer service/vendor responsiveness, and the duration of the alternate work approach. MBS Group HR, the employee and their management collaborate to arrive at the best solution.

Split shifts, also called staggered shifts, will allow lower densities of staff to operate within a location. At the same time this provides a brief time to transition work performed by the preceding shift to the following shift to maintain operational and business continuity.

Work-sharing, also called job-sharing, allows two staff members in the same department to work part-time schedules, focused on the same scope/portfolio of work/transactions to a) minimize any essential on-site presence while also b) allowing them greater schedule flexibility for other commitments.

MBS Services management would apply these in special circumstances where the two-person team is equally skilled and suited for their tasks and have complementary goals and work schedule needs.

All MBS Services locations have highly visible, outdoor, weather-resistant signage at all entrances including main reception, loading docks, and gated access points indicating practices and requirements that all entrants must comply with regarding PPE and social distancing when entering and working on the premises. The signage is also displayed inside the facility at key traffic points, work and break areas.

Examples of signage used within the workplace.


Employee Entrances
On the first Monday of each month (or upon employee’s initial arrival), employees will be issued their monthly allocation of company approved PPE (5 masks, 5 pairs of gloves – see Materials Table) when they are processed through their work location’s Wellness Checkpoint.

Employees will be responsible for managing, safely storing their PPE when they leave the building. In the case of damaged/lost PPE, employees may obtain replacements the following business day when checking in at the Wellness Checkpoint.

Visitor Entrances
Visitors such as crew and vendors will receive a complimentary “Visitor PPE package” upon passing the Wellness Check-in. The Visitor PPE package is contained in a paper bag with a single surgical mask. Visitors may also request disposable gloves and safety glasses.

Operation Of Wellness Checkpoints

Wellness Checkpoints will be staffed by trained department managers and front-desk receptionists.

  • These designated, trained Checkpoint staff will arrive at work prior to the start of work-hours to setup the checkpoints. 
  • Wellness Checkpoint staff will test each other prior to beginning work.
  • All Wellness Checkpoint staff will wear PPE prior to beginning work.
  • Department managers will check-in their own department’s employees. Upon checking-in their staff, department managers can resume their daily operational responsibilities. When all departments’ employees have been checked-in during the set Wellness Check-in time period, the Wellness Checkpoint infrastructure and equipment will be sanitized and securely stored for the following day’s check-ins.
  • Visitors, crew, vendors and company management will go directly to the reception desk that will always be ready to conduct Wellness Check-ins of any visitors, crew and vendors Checkpoint throughout the day.

Wellness Checkpoint staff will be responsible for:

  • Measuring an individual’s forehead temperature using the handheld, contactless digital thermometer, re-measuring the temperature if reads 100.4 (38c max) degrees or higher within 15 minutes.
  • Ensuring all persons being processed at their Wellness Checkpoint completes and signs the Wellness Questionnaire. Checkpoint staff will be trained to quickly scan an individual’s Wellness Declaration responses and ask follow-up questions when one or more responses are not acceptable to allow check-in. Based on the responses, the Checkpoint staff may consult with others, and determine if an individual’s temperature reading and the non-compliant response requires a “do not admit” decision.
  • Checkpoint staff are responsible for securing signed documents for proper scanning and archival into a designated Sharepoint assigned to that location, and storing the document in a centralized file archive.
  • Providing the designated colour wristband to individuals whose measured temperature is below 100.4 (38c ) degrees, and has completed the Wellness Declaration.
  • All persons who are cleared to access the building/work area must put on their PPE before passing beyond the Wellness Checkpoint.
  • For company employees: Upon receiving the colour wristband, employees must clock-in on their mobile device using a mobile app BEFORE entering the building to start work.

NOTE: The use of biometric timeclocks will not be allowed until further notice. Managers will review/approve/deny requests based on existing policies from their mobile device or their designated computers.

Wellness Checkpoint Entry Criteria
All persons irrespective of employee, crew, dignitary, vendor, management will undergo the Wellness check-in at any of the MBS Services locations. No exceptions.

  • If an individual’s temperature is, or exceeds, 100.4 (38)c degrees at the first measurement, that individual will be asked to take a 15 minute rest away from the Wellness Checkpoint and is re-measured. If on the second measurement, the measurement remains at or above 100.4 (38c) degrees, the Checkpoint staff person will immediately ask the individual to leave the facility.
  • All persons who did not pass the check-in criteria can return the following day, if they believe their temperature is acceptable, to participate in the Wellness Checkpoint. 

If an individual fails to pass the Wellness check-in on the second day, they are not be allowed to again for the Wellness Check-in, unless they can furnish a signed doctor’s well note.

Foremost, in prescribing workplace hygiene, employees are required to stay home if they are sick.

MBS educates its employees on the following procedures. All materials necessary to exercise these regular practices are adequately provided for employees and worksite visitors. (See Work Environment, Materials.)

Workplace Hygiene Practices

  • Comply with physical distancing policies (see Work Environment, Conditions and Protocols).
  • Promote frequent and thorough hand washing and hand-sanitizing.
  • Practice respiratory etiquette, including covering coughs and sneezes.
  • Respect seating arrangements, as mandated by management (see Work Environment, Split Shifts/Work Sharing).
  • Discourage employees from using others’ phones, offices, desks.
  • Employees are not to use others’ work tools and equipment.
  • Practice routine cleaning/disinfecting of surfaces, phones, equipment, and other elements of the workplace; use only cleaning supplies that are company-provided.
  • Employees are to report to management if feeling ill.

Cleaning Machinery
The company provides machinery in the latest technology rated for COVID-19 cleaning and sanitizing. Employees are fully trained for qualification of application and maintenance of these units as specified in these exhibits.

  • Electro-Static Sprayer (see APPENDIX D Electro Static Sprayer).

MBS is currently researching the latest sanitizing technology for units that will supply “fogging” solutions toward methods of distribution and application.

Sanitizing Solutions
The company provides the following materials and equipment:

  • Hazmat Disposal Bins for proper disposal of used protective materials and solutions.
  • Hand Sanitizers.
  • Disinfectants.
  • Coveralls for protection while using foggers and sprayers.
  • Disposable shop towels and paper towels for cleansing and sanitizing equipment.
  • Cable washers spherically for cleansing and sanitizing equipment.
  • Canister foggers for sanitizing vehicles.
  • Handheld remote digital thermometers for testing employees and visitors for fever (see Work Environment, Wellness Checkpoints).
  • Colour-coded wristbands for clearing entry of employees and visitors at MBS facilities (see Work Environment, Wellness Checkpoints).

Mobile Handwash Stations
Mobile sink units with integrated splashback, soap and towel dispenser will be situated throughout the workplace.

Foot-activated, infra-red operated tap which dispenses water hygienically, with the temperature limited to 42°C for safety. An internal waste collection receptacle holds the dirty water.

Proper Use of Personal Protection Equipment (PPE)
As a part of the pre-packaged PPE kit, all employees are provided five (5) FFP2 grade face masks (see Materials Table) upon initial entry of the company premises. Employees are fully trained on proper storage and disposal of the masks (see Storage and Disposal of PPE).

Fitting instructions for the FFP2 mask
Wash your hands using soap or hand sanitiser before touching the mask.


To remove the mask
Remove it from behind, do not touch the front. Discard immediately in a closed bin. Ensure that you thoroughly wash your hands using soap or hand sanitiser.

Also included in the employee pre-packaged PPE kit, each employee receives five (5) Pred Jet coated Gloves (see Materials Table), which are non-latex type and suitable for working in the warehouse environment. Employees are trained on the proper storage and disposal of these gloves (see Storage and Disposal of PPE).

Storage of PPE

The company has established procedures related to the proper storage and disposal of PPE materials issued to company employees, with the purpose of safe and limited reuse of the products for a prescribed period.

As an employee who is absent of PPE supplies enters any company facility, the employee receives five (5) FFP2 grade masks, five (5) gloves (See Work Environment, Wellness Checkpoints). This comprises the pre-packaged PPE kit. (See Materials Table.)

In addition to complying with the policies described in the above section entitled Proper Use of Personal Protection Equipment (PPE), all employees adhere to the below protocols, Storage and Disposal of PPE for Limited Reuse.

This protocol is established as a practice for the safe reuse of 1) masks for five (5) non-consecutive days over a period of a month, and 2) gloves for five (5) non-consecutive days over a longer period than a month. By putting these materials into a one-week rotation basis, employees use any mask and glove only once over a week.

The virus that causes the COVID-19 virus is thought not to last more than a few days outside a host (the human body), and, on surfaces, sources are cited to say that the virus can survive only up a maximum of five (5) days. With this storage procedure, masks and gloves will not be reused within five consecutive days for an entire week.

Storage of PPE for Limited Reuse
At the end of any shift, the mask and gloves are placed into an unsealed paper bag, and clearly marked with the day of the week and Name (e.g. Mon, Tue etc). They can be stored in these bags in the boot of the employees’ car, or In their allocated work locker , employees are instructed not to close or seal the bag. 

Each day, at the beginning of any shift, the employee retrieves the mask that is marked with the corresponding day of the week (from the week prior).

For masks, this weekly rotation is practiced for no more than one month, at which point the employee is issued another set of five (5) masks.

For gloves, this weekly rotation is practiced for no more than three months, at which point the employee is issued another set of five (5) gloves.

Disposal of PPE
Employees are instructed to dispose of all fully-used company-issued PPE materials into designated bins clearly labelled PPE “BIOHAZARD”, as well as any supplies used to prepare and sanitize equipment. (See Rental Equipment Protocols, Preparing and Sanitizing Equipment.)

3.0 General Operating Rules

Company provisions for necessary safety supplies and protocols is accompanied with useful information aimed to ensure the safety of our employees outside the workplace, to be compliant with PHE safety guidelines, to follow the advice of Department of Health, and to apply additional findings with our extensive research beyond these government agencies.

MBS disseminates these “personal guidelines” to its employees, and, where appropriate, to our clients.

This effort aims to promote awareness of good practices outside the work environment as prescribed by official agencies, in order to help minimize the spread of infection within the company environment. Information toward safe hygiene in the workplace is also provided and enforced.

4.0 Materials Table

The company has developed a PPE “kit”. This kit is pre-packaged with the specific PPE materials described below. As stated in the section titled Work Environment, Wellness Checkpoints, these kits are dispensed to employees at the beginning of the month, or to any employee who lacks a PPE kit upon their initial entry of the workplace. Certain PPE are also provided to company visitors (see Work Environment, Visitor Entrances).

For additional company approved cleaning supplies, also see EXHIBIT C COVID-19 Cleaning Protocols.

Pre-Packaged PPE Kit
In order to ensure compliance to the safety practices described in this plan, the following materials will be supplied to all company employees and visitors in the quantities as indicate below. For prescribed proper use of – and images of – these materials, see Protocol Training, Proper Use of Personal Protection Equipment (PPE) in this document.

The materials comprising the pre-packaged PPE kit are indicated below. MBS has determined and prescribed quantities that are issued to company employees and visitors, as well as on-hand quantity procedures for each operation (based on headcount) and reorder points, which mandate that all operations maintain a two-week supply at all times.

Minimums and Reorder Points
MBS has devised policies that mandate all operations maintain certain on-hand quantities of all PPE and other essential supplies. As well, reorder points for PPE are to always supply two weeks in advance unless otherwise prescribed, per lead times.

5.0 Rental Equipment Protocols

With respect to the unique nature of our services industry, The MBS Group has designed explicit and comprehensive protocols related to rental equipment handling. The company has researched all facets of the effects of the COVID-19 virus to determine the most effective machinery and sanitizing solutions currently available to the market, and applied these specifics to our new policies, to ensure the safety of our employees, our visitors and our clients, both on-set and location.

Following are the new procedures we have devised, which are enforced throughout all operations, following complete and inclusive training for all employees who handle our rental equipment.

NOTE: These MBS policies continue to be revisited on a consistent basis to ensure compliance with new advisories and information from governmental and public notices with regard to COVID-19.

Distancing Practices

All employees are mandated to exercise prescribed physical distancing, maintaining a radius of 6 feet (2 metres) between one another. In the instances where this is not possible, as with transporting equipment within the warehouses or loading a vehicle with equipment, employees are mandated to wear all company-issued PPE, without exception.

Employees are also mandated to exercise prescribed physical distancing with visitors, such as clients and crew members. Additionally, adequate signage is sited throughout all MBS warehouses, alerting the visitor to MBS policies related to this distancing. (See EXHIBIT B MBS Signage for images.)

All employees are instructed to maintain a radius of 6 feet (2 metres) between one another during breaks. (See Work Environment, Breaks/Lunches.)

MBS has devised and is enforcing a new set of rules with regard to employees who take lunches on site. See Work Environment, Breaks/Lunches, for the company policy on taking lunches.

Split Shifts
See Work Environment, Breaks/Lunches.

Processing Returns to Facility
All equipment received into any operation will be isolated to an exterior sanitizing “station” at the facility, if available. If a “station” is not available, the equipment will be isolated inside the warehouse. The equipment is then properly sanitized with one of the following methods (see Materials Table, Cleaning Machinery, and Materials Table, Sanitizing Solutions).

  • Fogging with company-provided machinery.
  • Electro-statically sprayed.
  • Wiped down thoroughly with EPA-approved disinfectant and shop towels or paper towels.

“Returns” is defined by all of the following conditions:

  • Equipment received by delivery from client.
  • Equipment picked up by company transport.
  • Preloaded truck package returns.Regardless if coming from a location or set, or if by inter-company transfer.
  • Equipment either received by a crew member or pulled for a crew member to accompany other equipment.
  • Equipment received by common carrier (owned or newly acquired).
  • Any “subrented equipment” (i.e., equipment owned by a third-party vendor) picked up by MBS transport or delivered by vendor.

No equipment received into any company warehouse will be replaced to the shelf or any other storage area until it is properly cleaned with the appropriate method(s). Employees who sanitize equipment are advised to immediately wash their hands.

Sub rentals
All “sub rentals” (i.e. equipment owned by a third-party vendor) are brought into possession at the applicable MBS facility before transporting to any set or location, and the above sanitization policies are conducted.

Crew Equipment
As a rule, all crew gear must be brought into company possession for proper sanitizing. All cleansing and sanitizing policies are conducted on this crew equipment before transporting to any set or location.

Alternatively, if the crew member or equipment owner provides a signed waiver assuring their equipment that is to be utilized for rental purposes, MBS will file this waiver and send to the client for proper release of liability to MBS.

Processing Equipment
As with returns, all equipment pulled from shelves or storage areas are sanitized as per the above methods and policy. (See Processing Returns to Facility.) This process is to take place in a taped off area where the equipment is “staged”, or a designated area clearly marked with floor tape. Following this handling, employees are advised to immediately wash their hands.

If possible, one to two employees are assigned to load vehicles with equipment. If the same employee(s) had processed the sanitizing methods, they are to wash their hands before commencing any equipment loading. All regulated safety procedures are practiced, with the addition of practicing the physical distancing policy. In the instances where this is not possible while loading a vehicle with equipment, employees are mandated to wear all company-issued PPE, without exception.

See Transporting Department COVID-19 Policies, Transporting for the policies prescribed by MBS with regard to delivering equipment.

6.0 Transportation Department COVID-19 Policies

The purpose of this policy is to ensure the safety, health and wellbeing of all departmental personnel and company drivers while working during and throughout the COVID-19 Pandemic.

This policy is set forth for all Departmental Drivers, Dispatchers, Administrators, Mechanics Supervisors and Managers within the Fleet / Transportation departments as well as all drivers within the MBS Platform. 

This policy will be monitored and enforced through the office of the Fleet Director with support from all company managers and supervisors within the MBS organization. Those employees that do not adhere to the policies listed below will be subject to disciplinary actions up and including termination

Driver Practices
Drivers are not required at this time to wear PPE inside of the vehicles while driving, except as required under the section “Transporting Personnel” below.

  • All Drivers are required to sanitize frequently touched surfaces within the interior of the vehicles as stated under “Sanitizing Fleet Vehicles”.
  • All drivers are required to complete in vehicle timestamped “sanitizing logs” thus noting when sanitizing occurs. See “Sanitizing Fleet Vehicles”.
  • Gloves worn outside of the vehicle must be removed prior to re-entering vehicle.
  • Spouses, children, friends and other family members are not permitted in any company vehicle.
  • Drivers are required to wear gloves outside their vehicle, especially working with clients, crews and when fuelling.
  • Wherever possible use contactless payment methods to avoid using keypads or pens to sign receipts or documents.
  • When on personal time, drivers should continue to follow all social distancing guidelines and protocols listed within your city ordinance.
  • All physical contact is prohibited with employees, vendors, clients and crews.

All drivers are required to wash or sanitize their hands prior to entering Fleet Vehicles as follows:

  • At the beginning and end of each shift.
  • After returning from break and lunch times.
  • After the completion of each delivery/or pick up.
  • After any interactions with vendors/crew.

Transporting Personnel
Two or more passengers in a vehicle is permitted if:

  • All passengers in the cab are wearing their company-issued PPE. 
  • A back seat is available for social distancing measures.
  • No other fleet vehicles are available.
  • More than a single person is needed to complete the job or task at hand offsite.
  • It is essential for Multiple personnel driving to the same location / worksite.
  • Picking up or Dropping off vehicles to repairs shops for repairs.

Drivers will ensure that vendors and non MBS Employees that enter an MBS owned and operated vehicle adheres to the required use of PPE listed in this section of the policy. 

Vehicle Accidents

  • All guidelines of MBS accident procedures must followed.
  • All Social Distancing Protocols apply while on the scene of an accident. 
  • Mask, gloves and protective eyewear is required to be worn at all times when on the scene of an accident. 
  • Other parties information must be exchanged accordingly. 
  • Accident reports continue to be required and completed by all drivers and turned in to the supervisor. 

Sanitizing Fleet Vehicles
On top of Fleet washing and general cleaning, MBS has also modified its vehicle cleaning procedures to now include thorough sanitizing of the interior cab.

Interior cabs will be sprayed and sanitized through the use of 1 or more of the following methods:

  • Portable Electrostatic Foggers with FDA and Hospital Grade antiviral solutions. 
  • Approved Disinfectant aerosol sprays. 
  • Approved Antiviral disinfectant spray being wiped on/off the surfaces. 

All Drivers are required to clean and sanitize the vehicles per the products application instructions on the label of each product.

The following in cab key surface areas are required to be sanitized, these areas include but are not limited to the following areas:

  • Steering wheel 
  • Seats 
  • Gear shifter
  • Emergency brake controls
  • Driver controls and knobs 
  • Radios
  • Armrest 
  • Seat belts and buckles
  • Power lock and window controls
  • Manual window crank handles
  • Door handles
  • Exterior cab driver grab handles

 It is the drivers and fleet supervisors responsibility to insure the vehicles’ are sanitized and documented as follows:

  • At the beginning and end of your shift. 
  • Each time driving a new vehicle for the day. 
  • Turning in vehicles and picking up new ones. 
  • Completing in vehicle “Sanitizing logs” when cleaning and sanitizing is completed. 


  • All training will meet the social distancing guidelines set forth by the company. 
  • It is suggested that All meetings, training sessions that can be conducted via telephone or teleconferencing apps should be utilized and scheduled when applicable.
  • All training that requires hands on application should be kept no more than 5 maximum attendees including the instructor.
  • If social distancing guidelines are not applicable during any such training, personnel are required to wear PPE.
  • Only essential and required hands on training should be conducted until further notice.

Forklifts and Material Handling Equipment
All forklifts and Material Handling Equipment must have key areas of touch sanitized at the beginning and end of each shift.

It is recommended that each operator further sanitizes the key touch areas of the equipment prior to operating.

MBS will continue to update these policies as new information and resources may apply. The office of the Fleet Director will make any adjustments to these policies as guided, suggested or required. Individual State and Government Health agencies will be monitored for changes and updates in health and social distancing guidelines and regulations.

8.0 Appendix

APPENDIX A Electro Static Sprayer

APPENDIX B UK Government COVID-19 Secure poster

APPENDIX C External Resources and Links:

APA – The Advertising Producers Association The APA Covid-19 Guidelines 

BFI British Film Institute guidelines

British Film Commission Guidance for Film and High-End TV Drama

GOV.UK UK Government advice and information

NHS National Health Service advice and information

MIND Mental Health and Well Being

PACT Advice on the effective assessment and management of Coronavirus (COVID-19) risk in TV production

Screen Skills Guidance to help TV production work safely during the Covid-19 crisis


Lakeside Road

T: +44 (0) 1753 656 262
